Thursday, December 15, 2005

The Weekend

Things to do on my last 4 day weekend before I go to work full time: Friday: Major Wal-Mart trip. I'm wrapping up Christmas shopping this weekend. Not to mention we are dangerously low on caffeine supplies, 3 of the basic food groups....and we're having friends over to dinner. Major Wal-Mart trip. Publix trip. Yes, they're 6 miles and ten minutes further than Wal-Mart. But I would build a temple and worship at their produce isle if I could. I think I'll just buy some fresh leafy stuff instead, though. And some good wines. And coffee. Clean House. Ick. Maybe I'll open one of my wines to get me through that. For every room, I'll get one glass. Or maybe a half glass - I'll have to cook later. (I have a small house, but still....) Cook dinner. Not sure what yet. Definitely steamed spinach. Sautéed mushrooms. Stuffed Zucchini sounds good, but it's a bit time consuming. (note to self: buy an extra bottle of wine as incentive to stuff zucchini) And maybe I'll get hubby to spring for some lamb at Publix. He loves their meats as much as I love their fruits and veggies. Hmmm. He'd probably like some fried rice too. Drink some wine, and have a good time with Clark. It's the last time we'll see him til we meet up with him in France at the end of March. He's leaving next week to visit family before he leaves the country for four months, so I know we'll be up and talking late. Saturday: Time to REALLY finish the shopping with Stacey. I know I have to get two things at the mall, which will be wonderfully crowded and frenzied. Then Joann's is having a big sale on Christmas stuff. I'm singing Saturday night, then selling the CD's at church, so I'll have to be there by 4:30. Then home to finish leftovers and wine from Friday. Sunday: I'll be at church pretty much all day. I'm selling our Christmas CDs before and after all 4 masses. The choir is having the annual Christmas brunch that day, too, so I'll be running out to that for an hour. I'll have time to go catch the sales at the Wal-greens after the 2nd mass, maybe have time to run to Barnes & Noble in the afternoon after the Hispanic mass. Home by 6:30 after the LifeTeen one. Did I mention that Sunday's our first anniversary? That means a good Italian dinner, guessed it. More wine. Monday: Sleep in with hubby, letting the effects of anniversary celebrations slowly seep from my brain til it's not painful to think about actually getting out of bed. Curse the fact that I have to go hit the on button on the coffee machine to make the damn thing start brewing (note to self: set up coffee maker before going to dinner on Sunday). Force myself to make it to my 11:30 dentist appointment for more fun with needles and sharp implements. Then we get StepSon for 3 days, so I know I'll be doing some cooking. And I need to bake about 6 dozen cookies, because apparently everyone at my new job exchanges stuff like that for Christmas presents. Think I'll do Mexican Wedding Rings and Christmas Trees and Wreaths. Maybe I'll even get StepSon to help decorate them. Ha. He's way too cool for that one.

1 comment:

K.A.S. said...

That's just way to productive of a weekend for me to think about. Can't you just skip right to the eating and drinking and talking part?

Tell Clark bye, hope he has a wonderful time in Paris!