Scotty represents all of us who are constantly asked to do theimpossible and to meet unreasonable deadlines by bosses who just don'tunderstand that you can't run engines at warp speed after Klingons haveblasted the engine room ... So many people I know feel like Scotty and so few like Captain Kirk. So many of us say, “I canno give ya more power captain. The enginesare already overloaded!” And then…we do.
Gilligan represents all of us who are congenitally happy despite our circumstances...Yes he was a buffoon (actually more a schlemiel than a buffoon) but aren't we all?...Gilligan had no desire for promotion and this makes sense to me now. A truly happy person is already at the highest rung.
Don Knotts as Deputy Fife personified the klutz who is convinced that despite everything he is destined for bigger things. Deputy Fife was all bluster with just one bullet, and that is just likemany of us. The bullet is self-confidence. Do you remember when geekswere ridiculed? Now they run the world and the reason is that they areclueless about criticism and focused only on the road ahead.
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Friday, February 24, 2006
Dell sues a guy named Dell
(I know, this isn't very exciting yet. I'm getting there).
Let's say you're also into photography, and you want a website for that as well so that you can sell your pics. So you make a site - after all, you're a web site designer! - and call it
Did you know that Dell (the company this time) can sue you for using your own name?
At first I thought, yeah well, use both names. Ysomething like or something - and then I realized that's a little long. And, well, why shouldn't he use his name?
Then I realized that Dell is being completely ridiculous in the amount of money that it's trying to get (from The Register):
Dell America seeks €100, 000 in damages, €50,000 for Dell France, plusanother €500 for every mention of the word Dell on his website.
Did you catch that? €500 for every time he uses his own last name!?!?!
The blog that's been started to help raise money for Dell (the man) to fight Dell (the company) also says that in addition to the above, the company wants €40,000 for using the name Dell - thats €40,000 for both Dell America and Dell France.
Hmmm...let's see....If all of this monetary information is correct, and we assume that the word 'Dell' is on the website 15 times (which is probably a conservative estimate, since there are at least 5 pages in his site)...that adds up to about €537,500. Luckily, the guy's on an island of the coast of Spain and lives by the euro, cause if he lived in the US that would translate to $638,154.74
For using his own name. That is one expensive surname.
Dell (the company) makes computers. Do they design web sites? Apparently they had for a while - but that was sold in 2003 to another company. So why are they so threatened? As Mr. Dell put it: "Dell does not build Web sites, I don't manufacture computers".
Dell, I love you - my home PC, my laptop, my work PC - they all come from you. You're my first choice. But let this one go. People have a right to use their name, for crying out loud. And if they're not competing with any of your products, let the small businesses of the world thrive.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Google Goodies
Search Engine Watch reported today that Google has introduced Google Page Creator. Without learning any kind of code at all, you can put text, images, etc. on your personal webpage. It comes with 100 MB of storage.
I read a couple more articles about the new tool, and there are differing opinions on this new service. Some think this is a beta version of something that Google wants to eventually put in their much rumored and long-awaited office suite. Then there are those who seem to think that blogs can be used as web pages, and that static web pages are 'retro'. I decided I had to try it out for myself. After all, we all know I am a lover of all things Google.
So, when you go to, you have to log in with your Google account. Luckily, I already have one, so I zipped in my username and password, hit sign in, and was ready to be blown away again. What did I see?
"Thank you for your interest in Google Page Creator! GooglePage Creator has experienced extremely strong demand, and, as a result, we havetemporarily limited the number of new signups as we increase capacity. In themeantime, please submit your email address and we will notify you as soon as weare ready to add new accounts. Thank you for your patience."
NOOOO!!!! I waited til my lunch break so that I could play around, and now it's too late! I have to be on a waiting list! Agghhhh. reported that this problem happened within hours of the service being available:
Speculation has already arisen that this happens not out of demand, butcontrol. It is possible that Google wishes to admit a certain number ofusers to a service like Page Creator or Analytics, then watch them tosee how they use the service and make adjustments on the fly.
Then, after certain prudent and necessary fixes have beenmade, the invitations would go out to people on the waiting list.Google could observe how well their tweaks scale, make more changes asneeded, and eventually open the registration process up to more users.
What's interesting to me is that The Official GoogleBlog hasn't posted anything (that I've seen) about it.
Oh, and a final note that I got from this article - Page Creator is for web pages not sites. And you only get one. Don't be greedy.
And I love having a job where I get to keep up with this kind of stuff.
More Bush Budget Idiocy
It’s less than a month since President Bush announced his AmericanCompetitive Initiative that consists of doubling “the federalcommitment to the most critical basic research programs in the physicalsciences,” coupled with a permanent research and development tax credit“to encourage bolder private-sector initiatives in technology.” What hedidn‘t say was that to fund these research efforts, he would cut $2million that supports a network of 27 libraries, including anelectronic catalog of holdings within that network, which is used bythose very scientists and corporations whose work he is encouraging.
But what does 'cutting the budget' mean in real terms? Check this out (yes, I the bolds are mine):
The $7.3 billion proposed EPA budget would trim $2 million from the$2.5 million EPA library fund, which, according to the watchdog groupPublic Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER), may causemany regional libraries to shut down. The pared-down library budgetwould de-fund the agency’s electronic catalog and pull $500,000 fromthe EPA headquarters library coordination network, according to EPAdocuments released by PEER.
Point #1: A Network of 27 libraries is only going to get $500,000 a year in funding? I live in Alabama, and we - who have proven over and over that we don't care about even our children's education - have public libraries that are better funded than this! Public libraries that exist to give people thrilling material to read. Now, libraries that really and truly hold information that could save lives is being given less money than ones that buy romances and mysteries? I love me some romance novels, but I think I know what my priority would be if I had to choose.
Point #2: they're going to "de-fund the" the library catalog. Wow. I'm assuming that the EPA doesn't have an old card catalog dinosaur sitting in its basement, being added to on a regular basis. So I wonder if 'defunding' means that only what's available in the catalog would be accessible, or if the whole thing just wouldn't be there anymore. Neither is really a good option.
Point #3: I'm out of coffee and really need to go look something up for this guy at the Pentagon since my break is over. wants people to do research, so that we can take better care of ourselves in the future. "Be Bold!" he says, riding on his inner high of self-righteousness. "Go and do research! We Will Take Care of You!"
Then he cuts the budget of one of the best sources of material that those researchers have.
You go, george. You have absolutely won the idiot's prize for the month. But don't give up yet! The year is still young - you might win that annual prize too! Think of all the idiocies you could commit between now and December 31st!
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
What The !!!??!
"Those figures fancy has created
Be Careful Opening Those Vegetables!
Monday, February 20, 2006
Back to the Real World
On my way back into town, I stopped at my brother's new house to ooh and ahh over it. They've got a great house, and they're making it even better with all the renovations they have planned. Best of all, the computer finally has it's own room - as every computer deserves.
I got home Sunday night, and today was a holiday...which means I checked out a couple of President's Day sales (even though you may not really be celebrating President's Day.) Tonight, it's a quiet dinner with StepSon (who is feeling better, for those of you who knew he was sick this weekend) and then a couple of movies. Tomorrow, I get the morning to play again, because I'm working 1-10. But then it'll be back to the real world for me. Happy Whatever-Day-Your-State-Celebrates (see link above for clarification).
Thursday, February 16, 2006
TheLibrarianInBlack found a new online program a couple of weeks ago that willtransform your Word Docs into PDF and vice versa, and I went to try it out. not only imports files in one format – html or .doc, for example – but it willthen export them in another format, like PDF. One of my current projects atwork involved a 400+ page Word document that we have printed annually; thisyear, our printing company told us – after we formatted, printed, saved, andhad the thing in the envelope to mail out – that they wanted it in PDF thisyear. So I thought “Hey! I can try out ZohoWriter!.”
So I created a free online account (note: this is still a Beta version) and got started. The first part of our 'book' is an 3 page Word doc, so I imported that. In about 10 secounds, I was staring at it in a WYSIWYG editor. So, it's not as clean as it was originally. Lots of extra spaces had gotten imported - somehow, the one line that I skipped between sections became three. I exported it as a PDF - very easy and painless: two clicks and you're finished. When the PDF popped up, it almost looked beautiful. Everything had the correct spacing, the font was perfect...but it had problems with dashes. this: -- became this: รข€“
Not good. Since I was looking at a list of subject headings, every single line had dashes in them. The preview screen showed up fine, but once the PDF was created, it got a little messy. Interestingly enough, when I exported it as a .Doc instead of a PDF, the same problem happened. All my dashes disappeared.
I moved on to importing a PDF to try and export it as a document. After ten minutes, the one page PDF still hadn't imported, and I gave up.
So why in the world am I writing all of this about something I'll probably never use? Because it does have some cool stuff. ZohoWriter does more than change files - it also stores them. So if you need some storage while working on something - like a story, maybe? :) - and you don't want to carry disks, or thumb drives around, this will work really well.You can also post to your blog (if you use Blogger, WordPress, LiveJournal, or TypePad) through it, which I find very cool. That's one of my favorite features of Flickr. Online programs that let you post to your blog without having to go to the blog's website is very handy. Supposedly, that's what I'm doing right now. I guess I'll find out when I hit 'publish.'
Update: It publishes, but spacing gets a little messy. I fixed some of the words that got squished together, but left others in. Still, when I'm at work, this will come in handy since Blogger is blocked from me!
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Your Candy Heart Says "Marry Me" |
Monday, February 13, 2006
So here's how Papa Bob told me he makes this liquor:
Take 10 lemons and zest them - don't get ANY white! (he was very adamant)
Put your lemon zest in the bottom of a large container with a pound or two of sugar.
Pour 1 liter pure grain alcohol over this.
Add 1 liter purified water.
close (do not seal completely) and put in the fridge. Shake it every day for a couple of weeks. Strain it, and you now have...limoncello.
I was a little nervous about drinking it. It's basically 100 proof! I could smell the sugar and the alcohol as soon as he opened the bottle. One sip convinced me that while not lethal, this drink is not for the faint of heart. Hubby liked it. Papa Bob loves it. My mother-in-law likes to pour a little bit over sliced bananas and strawberries. I've decided the best way to drink it is to mix it with vodka and make a martini out of it.
It makes a very strong martini. In fact, I don't believe I'd like to deal with the hangover that would surely come if I tried to drink more than one. But the taste is quite good. If you've ever had a lemon drop (the shot that you did in college, not the candy you get in your Easter Basket), just imagine that with a lot more punch.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Another Way to Waste Time
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Terrorist Nuns
"Nuns of Holy Name Monastery say "ridiculous" Patriot Act scrutiny led their bank to freeze the St. Leo, Fla., religious order's main account..... "...The order said its account was frozen without explanation or notification for a week in November, causing checks to bounce and taking three months to straighten out. Abbott said she was told the trouble began because an 80-year-old nun, a signatory on the account, did not have her Social Security number or photo identification on file. "Clearly an international spy," Abbott wryly told the newspaper. "...None of the nuns has given the bank that information, Abbott said. "We've been in business 116 years. No one's ever asked.""
Tagged Again!
Same Old Story
If you haven't caught on yet, when you see our president flapping his gums on TV, he's only making noise. His words mean absolutely nothing.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
The Librarian Is In
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Briefer Histoy of Time by Steven Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow
Monday, February 06, 2006
Kill! Kill! Kill!
The Sorcerer's Treason by Sarah Zettel
Sunday, February 05, 2006
MP3 instructions
For you could operate the player comfortable as soon as possible, before connecting operating or adjusting this product, please read the operating manual carefully and keep the manual for reference. The Manual information are changed with no other inform. 1.1 (1) If no use the player long time, please take out the battery from the player and avoid the battery leaking and canker damage.Ok, I'll stop there. I still have to figure out how to use the thing before I go to work. Happy Sunday everyone!
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Order of Succession
Get your position here I've already taken an oath of office (all us civil servants have to hold up a hand and swear), so I think I should be moved up in the succession. But I'll wait my turn. Thanks, Karen!
Friday, February 03, 2006
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Congress and Wikipedia
We already know, of course, that politicians live primarily for re-election and typically view the truth as an impediment to the higher purpose of unfettered self-aggrandizement.As if Congress and they're staffs have nothing else to do, they've been caught editing entries in Wikipedia. As a result, Wikipedia has banned all Congress IP addresses from their website for one week - and they may extend it. From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch:
Because computers have unique Internet addresses, it was easy for Wikipedia to trace most of the changes in congressional entries to House and Senate offices, although it's not known exactly who made the changes.Well, I think these guys and gals need more work to do. Obviously, if they have time to sit around and find sentences that they don't like on Wikipedia, then they need a few more worthwhile tasks to fill their days. So does the person from the following example in the SLPD: "In one instance, someone from the House wrote that Republican Rep. Eric Cantor of Virginia 'smells like cow dung.'" I would expect more maturity from george's twin daughters (Probably not george himself, though). For a list of the edits, look here. They even included IP addresses. Go see if your Representative/Senator has anything on the list.