Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Quiet Thoughts

There's something about the smell of rain that's soothing. I love to sit outside after I get home from work. Preferably with a glass of wine and my cell phone, chatting with my best friend about all the stupid things the two of us have done in the past day, week, month...or, for that fact, our entire lives. Or all the stupid things we're going to do in the future - because, let's face it, doing stupid things gives you the best stories to tell at the next dinner party. But when the rain starts falling - like it is now, softly - it's calming. Comforting. With an earthy scent, that makes me feel like anything is possible. That makes me take a deep breath and remember that in the long scheme of things, the stresses of today are going to be the things that make me laugh the hardest tomorrow. I love the rain.


Anonymous said...

But do you not understand what rain does to my HAIR??

Anonymous said...

. . . and the stress that causes?